
Science Serving Family Businesses

Microscopy is all about the “world of small”!

It is the science of using microscopes to study objects that are too small to be seen by the human eye.

There are three major types of applied microscope technology used by scientific laboratories – optical, electron and scanning probe microscopy.

The technical sophistication of today’s microscopes used by scientific laboratories to study the “world of small” has been further enhanced by the use of computers to perform highly complex analyses.

“For family businesses, having a scientific laboratory as a strategic resource partner makes sense if the business is vulnerable to government regulators, litigation and other problems that can impact the operational performance of their business,” according to leading family business expert Don Schwerzler. “A critical barrier to innovation for many family businesses is not knowing what they don’t know,” says Schwerzler. “Using a scientific laboratory, as a resource partner, can provide the critical analysis sparking a breakthrough that can significantly change the competitive posture of the family’s business."

Schwerzler has been studying and advising family business entrepreneurs for more than 40 years and is the founder of the Family Business Institute and the Internet organization Family Business Experts, both of which are headquartered in Atlanta GA.

Microscope technology has become better recognized by being featured in many TV series dealing with crime scene investigations.

Scientists, using microscopes to solve problems, cover the broad spectrum of business and industries.


When it comes to identifying and solving environmental and industrial hygiene issues, the first step in solving the problems is contacting a scientific laboratory that specializes in microscopy analysis.

When we read stories about workers being exposed to hazardous materials - scientific labs, using microscopy techniques, identify the contaminants and the extent of the exposure risk. Once the source of the contamination is identified, targeted corrective action can be taken to resolve the problems in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Depending on the industry, many family businesses routinely deal with critical issues involving:

Stack Sample Particle Sizing & Identification

Asbestos & Other Fibers

Environmental Forensics

Indoor Air Quality

Industrial Emissions

Lead Identification

Nanoparticles and Nanofibers

Soil Characterization

Waste Material Characterization

Filtration Materials


Litigation support is another service provided by scientific laboratories. They not only provide the scientific analysis and the written reports, they provide expert witnesses for depositions and trial testimony.

Scientific labs using microscopy techniques provide litigation support in the areas of:

Intellectual Property Matters

Environmental Forensics

Product Liability

Asbestos Issues

Product Tampering

Expert Testimony

Toxic Torts


Scientific laboratories using microscopy techniques support manufacturing operations in the area of quality, purchasing, inventory management and operational efficiency.

Think about it – how hard is it to identify a problem that can’t be seen by the naked eye!

Scientific labs support manufacturing operations in the areas of:

Quality Assurance/Quality Control

Product Tampering

Foreign Material Identification

Material Characterization

Device Defects/Failures

Manufacturing Processes

Filtration Materials


Scientific laboratories provide analytical testing support for family businesses involved in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries.

Using microscopy techniques, scientific labs are used to test for:

Pharmaceutical Product Crystals

Product Tampering

Patent Infringement

Product Counterfeiting

Device Defects/Failures

Foreign Material Identification

Device Quality Assurance

Visible & Subvisible Particulates

Product Development Support

Family businesses with questions about how a scientific laboratory, using microscopy techniques, can be a problem-solver for their business – simply use the ASK THE EXPERT form at the bottom of this page.

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